photography, wooden frame
35 x 45,5 cm
I collected 4 wooden fruit crates from Istanbul and brought them in my luggage by plane to Vienna, where I transformed them to picture frames. I was fascinated by the fact that almost all kind of garbage from the street is going to be collected by waste pickers and reused, recycled or reselled. Those wooden boxes are collected and mostly reselled as firewood to other street hawker, who use them f. ex. for fueling the grill to prepare their fish-sandwiches, that they sell on the street or for the fire, which they need to boil the water for the tea and so on.
It‘s a continuation of my series which deals with transforming material from public-, private- and institutional space. In that case I transform the value of that one-way cheap wooden fruit packaging from public space into precious picture frames, which are used as requisite or display for showing works in the exhibition space. I also send this material, which I collected in Istanbul, with the airplane to Vienna and then to Chicago; all these air miles as an ironic capitalistic gesture for the surplus value.